Thursday, September 30, 2010


By the way. these weights are all "As-is" dressed for work with phone and keys and wallet. At home on the scale just before my shower I was 270.0, coming along.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


After a big (low carb) meal this morning and a lot of water (also essential to any weight loss program)

Monday, September 27, 2010


Low carb works really well. It was a tough weekend with brownies and such in the house, but I have to get down there before the 8th.

Friday, September 24, 2010


OK, so I've fallen off the bandwagon a bit lately. Yesterday was the first day of low carb for me. I would love it if people would ask about a low carb diet. There is so much info out there, but people should really know how something is going to affect thier body before they try it. I do NOT suggest a " low-carb lifestyle", but I think it is an effective short term means to lose a bunch of weight fast.

I'm shooting for about 20g of carbs a day right now and will probably up that to about 30 next week, depending on if I take any "days off" before then.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Not bad for after a weekend of bachelor padding it. More tomorrow, Happy Labor Day!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Sorry I missed most of this week. It has been a bit busy at home, wish it was busier at the office, but I think back to school has a lot of schedules mixed up.

I gained a couple pounds over the weekend again. They sure are tough. We did go up to Kenecott Mine with the kids and it was a lot of fun. We spent about 3 hours there walking around and checking out the visitor's center. I have been trying to move a bit more this week, some exercise, but a lot of projects in the shop. Gotta try to nail down some good exercise time. I'm really trying to hit 270 before Monday the 13th, when low carb kick's in. If I can do low carb and be exercising I can probably lose another 20 lbs before the 8th of October when our biggest loser contest ends. I would love to be in the 250's for the end...